HD film (colour, sound, 9’51”), 2022.
Texte: Sybil Coovi Handemagnon
Images: Nicolas Pirus
Son: Shien / Studio Winslow
Montage: Sybil Coovi Handemagnon & Nicolas Pirus
“What does it feel like to touch, caress, (re-)arrange, displace and make place in/for the archive? Sybil’s practice revolves around the relation between photographic imagery and collective memory, between the trace and the gap, history and its ghosts. Her work problematizes the historicization of a dominant gaze that presents itself as a univocal narrative stance. “Se faire sentir'' multiplies and complexifies notions of archiving and conserving by drawing together imagery taken from the French colonial legacy and ethnographic museums, and the intimate feel of family photographs. Tied together by a poetic string of voice, these two archives confront and confound each other, blurring the lines of what is to be gazed upon as the remnants of History.”
Sofia Dati / Beursschouwburg

Vue de l’exposition Black(s) to the Future Quiet Refusal, Beursschouwburg, 2023.
Photos: SE FAIRE SENTIR #2 / © Fabien Silvestre Suzor